Postpartum Haemorrhage

Our goal
To decrease severe primary PPH from intended vaginal birth in Victoria by 50 per cent.
In Victoria, postpartum haemorrhage (or PPH) caused 37 per cent of all severe acute maternal morbidity reported in 2019. Research suggests it is often avoidable.
There is increasing evidence of the psychological effects of PPH including impacts on breastfeeding, bonding, and contact time between the parents and baby. Health professionals can also be impacted by a fear of managing future PPH cases.
The PPH Collaborative took place between April 2022 and April 2023 (phase 1) and was attended by 33 health service teams. Between August and December 2023 we offered additional support to 27 maternity teams who expressed an interest in continuing work in reducing PPH.
This collaborative aimed to reduce harm to families and health professionals by standardising and improving the response to PPH across participating Victorian health services. Arguably the most powerful impact of the project was improved recognition of PPH through the broad scale implementation of Quantified Blood Loss measurement (QBL). This important clinical and cultural transition from visually estimating blood loss, which has long been identified as inaccurate within scientific literature, has increased both the recognition of PPH and the transparency of Victorian PPH rates, leading to significant improvements in obstetric safety.
Project progress
Project updates

Postpartum Haemorrhage
New educational videos available
18 November 2024

Postpartum Haemorrhage
PPH Collaborative Update
25 September 2024

National Preterm Birth Prevention Collaborative
New educational resources available
5 September 2024
Postpartum Haemorrhage Toolkit Audit Tool
This audit tool provides a way of recording and graphing monthly data for data monitoring and measuring. It offers a step-by-step guide on how to identify files for review for process measure audits, so they are randomised.
Postpartum Haemorrhage – Improvement Toolkit
This resource is for maternity services who are working to reduce the rate of postpartum haemorrhage during childbirth. It contains quality improvement foundations and the change package improvement theory developed for the Postpartum Haemorrhage (PPH) Collaborative.
Postpartum Haemorrhage Collaborative – Operational definitions
This document provides a measurement strategy for health services that are wishing to undertake improvement efforts regarding postpartum haemorrhage.
Postpartum Haemorrhage Toolkit Audit Tool
This audit tool provides a way of recording and graphing monthly data for data monitoring and measuring. It offers a step-by-step guide on how to identify files for review for process measure audits, so they are randomised.
Postpartum Haemorrhage – Improvement Toolkit
This resource is for maternity services who are working to reduce the rate of postpartum haemorrhage during childbirth. It contains quality improvement foundations and the change package improvement theory developed for the Postpartum Haemorrhage (PPH) Collaborative.
Postpartum Haemorrhage Collaborative – Operational definitions
This document provides a measurement strategy for health services that are wishing to undertake improvement efforts regarding postpartum haemorrhage.
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Women's Healthcare Australasia

Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation
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