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About us
100,000 Lives
Main navigation
Report & manage issues
Report & manage issues
Sentinel events
Perinatal, infant, child or adolescent deaths
Perinatal, infant, child or adolescent deaths
Reporting requirements
Report a perinatal, infant, child or adolescent death
Perinatal autopsy service
Congenital anomalies
Maternal harm or death
Perioperative harm or death
Managing adverse events
Best practice & improvement
Best practice & improvement
Clinical governance
Clinical governance
Victorian Clinical Governance Framework
Improvement projects
Improvement projects
Cardiac, renal and stroke
Chronic disease
Consumer engagement/support
Emergency and critical care
Medications, treatment and infection prevention
Mental health and wellbeing
Mothers, babies and children
Older people and palliative care
Patient flow, outpatient care and telehealth
Quality improvement
Online training
Mental Health Improvement Program
Clinical guidance
Healthcare Workers' Wellbeing Centre
Partnering with consumers
Partnering with consumers
Partnering in healthcare framework
A guide for health services
A guide for government
Learning Health Networks
Consumer resources
Consumer resources
Become an advocate
My Surgical Journey
What are adverse and sentinel events?
Duty of Candour resources for patients, families and their carers
About us
100,000 Lives
Main navigation
Report & manage issues
Sentinel events
Perinatal, infant, child or adolescent deaths
Reporting requirements
Report a perinatal, infant, child or adolescent death
Perinatal autopsy service
Congenital anomalies
Maternal harm or death
Perioperative harm or death
Managing adverse events
Best practice & improvement
Clinical governance
Victorian Clinical Governance Framework
Improvement projects
Cardiac, renal and stroke
Digital cardiac rehab
Heart helper pilot
Improving access and timeliness to endovascular clot retrieval
Rapid access atrial fibrillation clinics
Stroke support centres
Improving access/timeliness of intravenous thrombolysis administration for eligible stroke patients
Improving access to stroke units for all stroke patients
Improving renal patient-provider communication and support
Optimising mood screening, assessment and intervention for stroke patients
Revisiting atrial fibrillation in emergency departments
Teleneuropsychology in stroke rehabilitation scaling initiative
Chronic disease
Analytics improve chronic disease consequences (ACDC)
Chronic disease early detection and improved management in primary care (CD IMPACT)
Improving identification and outcomes for hospitalised persons with diabetes
Live better! persistent pain learning management system
Novel models of care for patients with functional gastrointestinal disorders
Consumer engagement/support
CALD Assist: nursing
Emergency and critical care
Artificial intelligence in cardiac arrest (AIDE)
Acute coronary syndrome project
Establishing the Victorian ECMO service
Gippsland region telehealth
Implementing a sepsis bundle of care in emergency departments and urgent care centres
Improving emergency access collaborative
Intensive care pain, agitation and delirium standardised assessment and monitoring
Lower complexity urgent care: a new paradigm for rural health services
Managing behaviours of concern
Managing presentations of the older person
Standardised guidelines
Standardising inotropes and vasopressors
Supporting statewide Medical Emergency Team/rapid response
Medications, treatment and infection prevention
Safer Medicines at Transitions of Care
Analgesic stewardship program
Antibiotic allergy de-labelling program
Central pharmacy
Choosing Wisely champion hospital
Choosing Wisely scaling collaboration
Decreasing infections associated with peripheral intravenous cannulas
Medication safety educational webinars
No unecessary tests
Partnered pharmacist medication charting (PPMC) scaling project
Sepsis improvement
‘Think sepsis. Act fast.’ scaling collaboration
Mental health and wellbeing
Mental health nursing clinical supervision framework implementation
Independent facilitator trial
Safe Haven Cafe
Safewards Victoria Trial
Telemental health pilot (Tele-HELP)
Using consumer reported outcome measures to influence care in a mental health setting
Mothers, babies and children
Assessment and care of the jaundiced newborn at home
Better births for women collaborative
Closing the gap on maternal immunisation
Developing ambulatory care services for women in Peninsula Health
Expanding our Maternity and Neonatal eHandbooks
Improving the management of paediatric sepsis
Medical management of miscarriage at home
Obstetric triage decision aid
Perineal protection project - audit tool
Postpartum Haemorrhage Collaborative
Reducing clinical variation in paediatric adenotonsillectomy
Reducing the number of preventable stillbirths in Victoria
Reducing unnecessary prescribing in infant reflux
Safer baby
Sharing service data through a maternity dashboard
Strengthening primary care to reduce paediatric outpatient and emergency department referrals
Strengthening safety oversight through a clinical governance user guide
Older people and palliative care
Advance care plans across the health system in rural Victoria
Creating Age-Friendly Health Systems in Victoria
Falls review tool: Pilot project
Anticipatory medicines
Building an age-friendly Indigo health system
Care of the dying person
Clinical deterioration
Collaborative model for a falls response service
Delirium collaborative
Early intervention palliative and supportive care clinic
End PJ paralysis: Preventing functional decline in inpatients
Frailty recognition and response in the community
Geri-Connect scaling project
Guiding the safe use of bed rails
Hospitals and patients working in unity (HOW-R-U?)
Informing best practice for managing patients with hip fractures
Palliative sedation therapy
Preventing delirium
Recognising and responding to life limiting illness
Responsive acute palliative intervention and decision assistance project (RAPID Assist)
We are Ambulance Victoria Engaged (WAVE)
Patient flow, outpatient care and telehealth
Bendigo Cancer Centre survivorship service
Bridging the gaps in health using telehealth for people with young onset dementia (BRIGHT-YOD)
Critical care telehealth
Critical care telehealth scaling project
Improving after hours care at Monash
North east robotics development
Outpatient demand management strategy
Patient flow partnership
Rapid access musculoskeletal care
Remote drug and alcohol recovery for the Southern Otways region
Specialist clinics access improvement partnership
There is no place like home
Using big data modelling and forecasting to improve access to outpatient clinics
Virtual fracture clinics
Best place for low-volume procedures
Quality improvement
Quality Improvement Toolkit
Training and education
Online training
Partnerships, programs, and training
Mental Health Improvement Program
Towards the elimination of restrictive interventions
Improving sexual safety
Reducing compulsory treatment
Adopting the Zero Suicide Framework
Clinical guidance
Victorian Guideline for the Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism in Adult Hospitalised Patients
Accurate pregnancy dating
Bereavement care
Care during labour and birth
Management of snakebite (Victoria)
Ogilvie’s syndrome
Vaginal Seeding and Lotus Births - Consensus statement
Healthcare Workers' Wellbeing Centre
Wellbeing for healthcare workers initiative
Collective pause
Webinars and events
Support for healthcare workers
Resources, tools and tips
Support your staff or team
Peer support
Training and learning
About the centre
Partnering with consumers
Partnering in healthcare framework
A guide for health services
How to engage a consumer representative
A guide for government
Learning Health Networks
Acute care LHN
Cardiovascular LHN
Continuing Care LHN
Maternity and Newborn LHN
Perioperative LHN
Vaccination learning network
Consumer resources
Become an advocate
My Surgical Journey
Do I need surgery
Understanding my treatment options
Meeting my healthcare team
About shared decision making
I’ve decided to have surgery
Preparing for my surgery in the months before
Getting ready for surgery and my recovery
Preparing ahead for my discharge home
Surgery cancellation
I’ve been given my surgery date
Day of my surgery
After my surgery
My recovery in hospital
I’m ready to go home
Translated information
My surgical journey - Arabic
My surgical journey - Simplified Chinese
My surgical journey - Traditional Chinese
My surgical journey - English
My surgical journey - Greek
My surgical journey - Punjabi
My surgical journey - Vietnamese
What are adverse and sentinel events?
Duty of Candour resources for patients, families and their carers
About us
100,000 Lives
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