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    The independent Victorian Perioperative Consultative Council oversees, reviews and monitors perioperative care in Victoria to improve outcomes for patients before, during and after surgery.

    The council was established as the result of a review to combine and strengthen the functions of the Victorian Consultative Council of Anaesthetic Mortality and Morbidity (VCCAMM) and the Victorian Surgical Consultative Council (VSCC). Read the review

    Access confidential case report form

    Victorian Perioperative Consultative Council Members 

    David A Scott (Chair)
    Phillipa Hore (Deputy Chair)
    Andrew Jeffreys
    Ben Slater (Anaesthetic Subcommittee Chair)
    Denice Spence (Consumer Representative)
    Elyse Coffey
    Fiona Brew
    Graeme Campbell
    Hans de Boer
    Liat Watson (Consumer Representative)
    Marinis Pirpiris
    Paula Foran
    Philip McCahy
    Rebecca Donald
    Wendy Brown (Surgical Subcommittee Chair)


    Anaesthetic Subcommittee Members

    Ben Slater (Chair)
    Andrew Jeffreys
    Annette Holian
    Annie McPherson (Consumer Representative)
    Barbara Curzon-Siggers (Consumer Representative)
    Craig Ironfield
    David Watters
    Graeme Campbell
    Hans de Boer
    Helen Roberts
    Hilary Madder
    Nam Le
    Paula Foran
    Philip McCahy
    Pierre Bradley
    Sharryn McKinley
    Tim Coulson


    Surgical Subcommittee Members

    Wendy Brown (Chair)
    Allison Evans
    David Watters
    Denice Spence (Consumer Representative)
    Jennifer Reilly
    Julian Smith
    Liat Watson (Consumer Representative)
    Margot Lodge
    Marinis Pirpiris
    Matthew Hadfield
    Michael Homewood
    Patrick Lo
    Rebecca Donald
    Susan Shedda
    Tony Gray
    Wanda Stelmach

    Reporting to the VPCC

    Health services must report perioperative harm or death

    Reviewing, investigating and improving perioperative outcomes

    The council monitors, reviews and analyses cases of perioperative mortality and morbidity in Victoria and investigates matters referred by the Minister for Health, Safer Care Victoria and the Department of Health.

    Perioperative mortality and morbidity refers to adverse events (including death) that may occur just prior to, during or just after surgery.

    The council makes recommendations to help clinicians and health services improve practices and reduce incidents of perioperative mortality and morbidity.

    Perioperative safety reports

    View past reports from VCCAMM and VSCC.

    Annual reports

    VPCC Emergency Laparotomy Workshop

    10 December 2022


    View the Emergency Laparotomy Workshop Recommendations.



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