Leanne comes from a nursing background and specialised in intensive care, before moving into clinical education roles (graduate nurse and critical care) at Hamilton and South West Healthcare, Warrnambool. She completed a Master of Professional Education and Training in 2005, before moving into projects, then a quality coordinator role.
As part of this role Leanne helped the service set up an acute stroke unit, and become one of the first regional health services to introduce thrombolysis. She commenced in her current position at South West Healthcare, leading the improvement work in clinical and non-clinical areas. She has an interest in data, using tableau to obtain relevant data for clinicians in their improvement work.
Recent highlights
- Supporting the Patient Flow Partnership work, with a highlight being the commencement of a daily quality and safety meeting
- Supporting the Sepsis Scaling Collaborative, with statistically significant improvements for correct investigations (blood cultures, lactate) and appropriate antibiotics within 60 minutes
- Supporting teams of staff in their recent IHI projects – with my work now focusing on bringing our framework, methodology and tools in line with the IHI model
- Current trial of emergency department patients to support more timely transfer from ED.
Why I do what I do
“I enjoy seeing staff grow knowledge and confidence in making improvements in their work areas and seeing more patient centred outcomes in our service delivery. Seeing staff from different areas and groups come together and really engage and work together, instead of finger pointing, is very rewarding. It has challenges but the wins are so good.”
McCann. L., Groot. P., Charnley. C., Gardner. A., (2009). Excellence in regional stroke care: An evaluation of the implementation of a stroke care unit in regional Australia’. The Australian Journal of Rural Health, 17, Pp 273-278.