Large or small, we're delivering real change

In progress
This project aims to reduce inappropriate antibiotic prescribing for selected common infections.

Reducing third and fourth-degree tears in childbirth

Boosting cardiovascular health care to reduce hospital admissions

In progress
Improving antibiotic treatment options for patients with a penicillin allergy label

In progress
Supporting people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) to stay well and stay home.

Improving outcomes and experiences for older people in Victoria’s health system using the 4Ms framework

Cardiac rehabilitation programs reduce hospital readmissions and improve quality of life after a heart attack or heart surgery.

In progress
Improving timely access to receiving evidence-based stroke treatment for patients in Victoria.

Helping more people with heart failure to stay well and stay home

Improving management of heart failure in Victoria

In progress
Improving childhood asthma management in Melbourne's north and west

In progress
Improving the health of women and babies by safely reducing the rate of preterm and early term birth

In progress
To assist people with chronic disease to stay home and stay well

Reducing postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) following childbirth in Victorian hospitals

To improve the rates of patients who receive evidence-based care for atrial fibrillation and are prescribed appropriate anticoagulation.

Reducing preventable stillbirths in Victoria

Improving patient flow so people get the right care in the right place

Supporting timely care for chest pain in regional and rural Victoria

Our approach
We use an internationally proven improvement approach – the Model for Improvement – as a model for learning and change to drive improvement efforts.