In Victoria, when a person with diabetes requires hospitalisation, they are more likely to have an increased length of stay compared to people without diabetes. Research has shown that this is the case regardless of if their admission is diabetes related.
Improved identification and care of people with diabetes early in their admission has been shown to improve the person’s experience and confidence in the care they are receiving from the health service, reduced length of admission, and is also likely to reduce the need for readmission.
To improve the identification and care of hospitalised people with diabetes.
This project was due to launch in 2021 however due to pressures on the Victorian healthcare system it was discontinued.
A broader diabetes project launched in early 2022 as part of the 100,000 Lives program. SCV is working with consumers, health services, peak bodies, primary health networks and community providers to promote evidence-based care for people with diabetes and foster programs that improve self-management of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.