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Key messages

Homebirth is a safe option for some births.

Homebirth provides more choice for women.

Health services and private maternity providers are encouraged to consider homebirth services for women who are suitable.

On this page

    Please note that some guidelines may be past their review date. The review process is currently paused. It is recommended that you also refer to more contemporaneous evidence.

    Clinical guidance

    As evidence relating to the benefits and safety of homebirth grows, this guidance provides practical advice for Victorian maternity and neonatal care providers to support, sustain and expand safe homebirth.

    While intended for midwifery, medical, nursing and allied health professionals, this guidance is also helpful for women and their families when considering if homebirth is suitable for them.

    Download the guidance 

    Public and private maternity and neonatal services are encouraged to use this guidance to consider the possibility of providing homebirth services and the development of continuity of care and carer models.

    Maternity services and clinicians are responsible for ensuring all maternity care, including homebirth services, is evidence-based, safe and of high quality, and for ensuring:

    • women are actively involved in decisions about their care
    • the individual needs of the woman are met
    • advice about assessment, management and guidance on escalation of care is consistent and practical.

    Guidance for starting a public homebirth program is available in Implementing a public home birth program: Guidance for Victorian public health services. 

    Evidence review

    We examined 20 papers that compared the outcomes of planned homebirth to planned hospital birth at the onset of labour among low-risk women.

    View the evidence summary 


    This guideline was developed by an expert working group of clinicians and consumer representatives.

    Peer review and public submissions were considered prior to publication.

    Get in touch

    Version history

    Due for review: June 2024

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